Hamas calls on Arab countries to break relations with Israel

Israeli forces

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) this Tuesday asked Arab and Islamic countries to break relations with Israel, in retaliation for the response bombings on the Gaza Strip, which have already left nearly 5,800 dead.

“We call on Arab and Islamic countries and the United Nations to assume their moral responsibilities to stop the aggression,” claimed Osama Hamdan, a senior Hamas official, in statements reported by Al Jazeera.

“We call on Arab and Islamic countries to break their relations with the occupying state and withdraw their ambassadors,” Hamdan asked, while also calling for a boycott of Israeli products.

“Arab and Islamic countries and the United Nations must intensify efforts to open humanitarian corridors to Gaza. We pay tribute to the free masses around the world and call on them to continue their movement until the aggression stops,” he thanked.

In recent times, several Arab countries have begun to normalize relations with Israel, such as Morocco, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, through the mediation of the administration of former US President Donald Trump.


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