White House says Biden will veto standalone Israel aid bill

Joe Biden
US President Joe Biden © AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

The White House stated this Monday that it opposes the proposal for independent financing of aid to Israel by the Republicans in the United States House of Representatives and has declared that the president, Joe Biden, will veto the bill, which he has crossed out. “cynical political maneuver”.

The Biden Administration has stressed that it “firmly opposes the approval” of the text that offers emergency supplemental allocations and has indicated that it “spent months working with a bipartisan group of senators to reach a national security agreement that secures the border and provides support the people of Ukraine and Israel, while providing much-needed humanitarian assistance to civilians affected by conflict around the world.”

In this sense, he noted that, “instead of working in good faith to address the most pressing national security challenges, this bill is another cynical political maneuver.” “The Administration strongly opposes this ploy that does nothing to secure the border, help the people of Ukraine defend themselves from (Russian President Vladimir) Putin’s aggression, does nothing to support the security of American synagogues, mosques and places of worship. vulnerable cults, and denies humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians, most of them women and children.

That is why the White House has “strongly encouraged both houses of Congress to reject this political ploy and, instead, quickly submit the bipartisan bill,” reads a statement from the Office of Management and Budget.

The House of Representatives will vote on a “clean and independent” aid bill for Israel of 17.6 billion dollars (around 16.3 billion euros), as announced by the president of the body, Republican Mike Johnson. Although this text can be approved first, since the Republicans have a majority in the Lower House, it is expected to cause a confrontation with the Upper House, where the Democrats are in the majority.

This attempt by Republicans to send aid to Israeli authorities comes while the Senate has published a national security agreement that includes aid for Israel, Ukraine, among others, as well as strengthening border policy. This negotiation has lasted months and has included representatives of the two main parties in the country and officials from Biden’s cabinet.


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